Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care
The Louisiana Balance of State Continuum of Care (LA BOSCOC) is a self-governing coalition of organizations and people dedicated to ending homelessness in Louisiana. It covers more than half of Louisiana’s geography, including the cities of Baton Rouge, Houma-Terrebonne, and Lake Charles.
The LA BOSCOC is also the single largest funder of homeless housing and services in its geography through HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Program. The CoC Program primarily funds permanent housing with attached case management and wraparound services. The LA BOSCOC awards CoC Program funding through an annual cycle that usually begins in May or June. Click here to learn more about applying for CoC Program funding.
The LA BOSCOC is governed by its Board, which draws on elected members from each LA BOSCOC Region, appointed members from statewide agencies and other key stakeholders, and people with lived experience of homelessness. Many of the LA BOSCOC’s key functions are overseen by the its Committees. The LA BOSCOC is managed on a day to day basis by the Louisiana Housing Corporation, which serves as its collaborative applicant (or ‘lead agency’).